With the development of technology, unmanned underwater devices play an important role for the exploration and research of the seas. These devices are designed to perform various tasks underwater and to reach depths inaccessible to humans.
AKBOT-180 reduces labor and operational costs in bathymetric studies. The AKBOAT-180 has a minimum draft of 20 cm, enabling it to operate in shallow waters where large ships cannot enter. The route is easily created from the interface software, and it can navigate autonomously on the determined route with +/- 1.5 cm accuracy with RTK GPS, Image Processing and Lidar.
It measures and analyzes the water quality in natural water resources, drinking water, industrial areas and wastewater treatment plants.
The AT-11-0-1 module is a satellite-based positioning system, a technology that uses satellite signals to determine high-accuracy positions of drones, marine vehicles and land vehicles.
The AT-12-0-1 AHRS module is a navigation system used to measure and track the orientation of aircraft, watercraft and land vehicles in motion.
LiFePO4 Battery is a type of rechargeable lithium iron phosphate battery that contains iron Phosphate (FePO4) as the cathode material.
LiFePO4 Battery is a type of rechargeable lithium iron phosphate battery that contains iron Phosphate (FePO4) as the cathode material.
LiFePO4 Battery is a type of rechargeable lithium iron phosphate battery that contains iron Phosphate (FePO4) as the cathode material.